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Welcome to the Global 10-Day Jumpstart Challenge: Restarting the Economy through Nutrition!

The Global Jumpstart is aimed at helping people strengthen their immune systems to fight the COVID-19 pandemic through a diet of whole, plant-based foods (vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, legumes, nuts, and seeds). According to a newly released commentary by well-known nutrition researcher Dr. T. Colin Campbell, “consuming this diet does not mean we won’t get infected by the virus, but it should increase our defenses to avoid the worst effects from the infection.”  

The Global Jumpstart will introduce people to the power of a plant-based diet using a seminar, cooking classes, daily emails, webinars, and other resources, all provided free of charge!

Folks can now start signing up for the Global 10-Day Jumpstart Challenge: Restarting the Economy through Nutrition – which kicks off on May 10

Sign up now and we’ll be in touch soon with more details. In the meantime, we invite you to read Dr. Campbell’s commentary on COVID-19 and nutrition, then take the other steps noted below: